Resolutions for a better YOU in the new year

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It feels surreal to be publishing a 2022 New Year’s blog post when 2019 felt like it was yesterday. If the past year has felt like a blur to you, 2022 is the perfect time to pause, take a breath and reset yourself for a new year. While some people make specific resolutions for the new year, other people have a more general approach – coming up with a word for the year, a mantra, or a change they want to make.

Regardless of how you approach the new year and resolutions, if you’ve been unhappy in your current career, uncertain about what your next steps in life are or feel some excitement around learning a new skill, the new year is the perfect time to take a leap and get the ball rolling.

Here are two resolutions to help get your list started.

Making more time for yourself and your growth.

Sure, you want to go back to school, but you’ve been saying that for years.

Maybe you’ve reached your potential in your current career, and there’s not much room for growth – either in skill or in pay. Or you are looking to pivot and do something entirely different. 2022 is the year where you make time for yourself and your education. There’s a saying that you can’t fill others’ cups if yours is empty. By bettering yourself, you’ll be setting yourself up to better serve your family and loved ones.

FastForward programs at your local community college are short. It is still a commitment, but most programs are between 6-12 weeks and are flexible so students can get their education while they work orjuggle family needs. 

Doing the research.

Sure, you like the idea of going back to school, but paying for it has always pushed it to the backburner.

Virginia has so many grants and programs to help make going back to school possible. Book stipends, gas stipends, tuition grants, financial assistance based on need, etc. Check out all the financial resources we have available to students  here.

Don’t let paying for school stop you. With FastForward, program costs vary, but the average out-of-pocket cost of a FastForward training course is less than $700, and financial assistance and last-dollar grants cut costs even more.

Every community college in Virginia has career coaches who are there to answer your questions and discuss your career goals. So, if you’re one of the few who made a career-related resolution for 2022,  let’s chat and make that change.