Tips When Looking to Move Up the Career Ladder


Deciding to change jobs or return to school is a hard decision, one made harder thanks to COVID-19. However, by talking to your employer and staying updated with the latest industry trends, additional training and certification may get your promoted.

With a variety of stackable trainings available at your local community college through FastForward, you can start advancing in your career in just a few months. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you plan your climb.

Start a conversation with your boss

Many companies are experiencing rapid change and are having to adapt to new industry standards caused by COVID-19. Talk to your boss and stay updated with the company, its future and what additional skills he or she could use to keep the business running. Bring a notebook when you do have these conversations to write down the important key points to show that you are listening and appreciative of their time.

Once you have a list of skills and possible training certifications that your boss is looking for, schedule a meeting with a local FastForward Career Coach.

Connect with professionals in your industry

Trade associations for educators, electricians, contractors and other industries can be useful places for making connections with other workers in your field. Additionally, casual online spaces, such as Reddit and Facebook have forums dedicated to industry-specific conversations that welcome all types of questions about the industry.

By meeting other people in your field, you can learn what certifications helped them move up at their company and what skills have helped them succeed.

Explore funding options

Securing a new workforce credential doesn’t always require out-of-pocket costs. Because many businesses benefit from having employees that wear multiple hats on the job, companies may pay for additional training certifications, or you may qualify for a variety of assistance. FastForward graduate Allen Miller took advantage of having additional training programs paid for by his company and ended up getting enough credits to earn an associate’s degree in mechanical engineering.

How you can get started today

If you’re looking to move up the job ladder, it may be time to start planning. FastForward training programs are based on the needs of local, Virginia-based employers and allow you to keep your job while you go to class. To figure out what program is best for you, FastForward Career Coaches provide one-on-one counseling to help you find the perfect fit.

For more information about FastForward, and to get in touch with a coach today, visit our website: