Manufacturing Technician Level 1 Certification

Manufacturing Technician Level 1 Certification

MANF 500009
Section Code: C09A
The Manufacturing Technician 1 (MT1) certification program was developed to meet the growing employment demands of the manufacturing industry. The MT1 program addresses the core industry-wide skills standards required for skilled production occupations in all sectors of manufacturing. The core competency areas certified are: (1) Math and Measurement, (2) Spatial Reasoning and Manufacturing Technology, and (3) Quality and Business Acumen. The purpose of the MT1 certification program is to document individualsÂ’ mastery of the critical competencies required for modern manufacturing production and production-related occupations. The goals of the MT1 certification... Read Full Course Description
Start Date: Jul 22, 2024 End Date: Aug 02, 2024
Community College: Brightpoint
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