Maritime Structural Fitter Level 2 (FastForward)

Maritime Structural Fitter Level 2 (FastForward)

WELD 710033
Section Code: D02P
Students will acquire a deeper understanding of maritime welding and structural fitting topics, maritime terminology, and structural fitting terminology. Students will learn various structural fitting equipment and tools through instructor modeling of processes, instructor demonstrations, hands-on practice, skills, and review. Given structural fitting equipment and tools, the student will acquire a basic understanding of various structural fitting processes in accordance with industry standards and instructor requirements. PRE-REQ: Level 1 Welding and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10-Hour Maritime training HR Strong students: include ERF Certification Read Full Course Description
Start Date: Aug 05, 2024 End Date: Aug 27, 2024
Community College: Tidewater
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