New Pathways: Manual Milling Skills (M1) – NIMS – FF

New Pathways: Manual Milling Skills (M1) – NIMS – FF

MANF 3190014
Section Code: 1CF
This class is a G3 eligible program. Find out more about G3 at Students have 20 weeks to complete the program. Manual Milling 1 is approximately 12 hours per week for six weeks. The emphasis of this course is on the proper setup and operation of Vertical Manual Milling Machines. The course includes Safety Considerations, Precision Measuring Instruments, Details of Manual Milling Machine Features, Set-Up of Manual Milling Machines. Accepted Milling Practices are taught including Milling Tool Selection and Use, Calculation of Surface Speed, Feed Rate and Part... Read Full Course Description
Start Date: Mar 01, 2024 End Date: Dec 31, 2024
Community College: Germanna
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