Plumbing 2- FastForward

Plumbing 2- FastForward

PLMB 2350002
Section Code: WS01
FASTFORWARD NCCER Plumbing 2 PRICING: Regular/Full Price: $3,450 FastForward Price: $1,150 FastForward plus Tobacco Commission Grant Price: $575 FastForward plus G3 Price: $0 * * You must come into the Workforce Solutions office to apply for G3 funding prior to enrollment. This course is the second in the series of four plumbing classes. Students must be certified in NCCER Core and Plumbing 1 before enrollment in this course. This rigorous Plumbing curriculum prepares learners for a career as skilled plumbers. The curriculum covers the concepts technicians need to safely install, test, maintain, and... Read Full Course Description
Start Date: Jan 16, 2025 End Date: May 08, 2025
Community College: Central Virginia
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