Truck Driver Training (WCG-SCHED) Class A WeekEND Aug 3-Oct 6 2024

Truck Driver Training (WCG-SCHED) Class A WeekEND Aug 3-Oct 6 2024

TRNS 3800002
Section Code: 81B
This 120-hour course includes classroom and hands-on instruction. Students will learn applicable traffic and trucking laws from their state’s CDL manual and federal safety regulations. Students may learn about federal rules that apply to truck and cargo transportation, and they may learn how to complete relevant paperwork associated with transporting freight. Instruction then moves outdoors where students learn how to perform a pre-trip truck and freight inspection. Significant time is devoted to behind-the-wheel training. Drivers enrolled in CDL training practice their truck driving skills while accompanied by a driver that... Read Full Course Description
Start Date: Aug 03, 2024 End Date: Oct 06, 2024
Community College: Paul D. Camp
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