
In-person and online training programs to kick-start your career

Training Takes Weeks. Not Years.

There are thousands of jobs open across Virginia, and many of these essential fields don’t require a college degree. If you’re looking for an affordable career training program, consider enrolling in FastForward.

FastForward at Virginia’s Community Colleges is a short-term training program for high-demand industries, like healthcare, information technology and skilled trades and infrastructure, helping Virginians get the jobs they want and the salaries they need. Our goal is to get you trained, help you earn your certification and get you into a career that can support you and your family.

FastForward Blog

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Reimagine Your Career with Virginia’s Community Colleges 

Losing a job can be a challenging and uncertain time, especially for federal employees who have dedicated years to public service. But it can also be an opportunity – an open door to a new and fulfilling career. If you’re looking for a fresh start, Virginia’s…

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Advancing Your Career: Step by Step

Clock in, clock out. Repeat. Day in and day out.   If you don’t love what you do, that cycle can wear on you. Whether you’re looking to find a job, start over in a new career or move up the ladder in your current field, stacking…

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52,900+ credentials earned

Over 52,900 certificates and credentials have been awarded across Virginia’s Community Colleges through FastForward since 2016.
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40 in-demand careers

Our short-term career training programs prepare you for 40 great careers across seven industries in Virginia.
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71% wage satisfaction

71% of FastForward graduates, on average, are satisfied with their pay post-credential.
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86% satisfied with job stability

Of FastForward students surveyed, on average, 86% are satisfied with their job stability post-credential.

FastForward Student Success Story

1,013 views   •   June 1, 2022
FastForward Heavy Equipment Operator and Construction Training | Virginia’s Community Colleges

Career and technical training like FastForward can help get you the skills needed for a great job in the construction industry. From heavy equipment operator, to electrical, HVAC and more, this training at your local community college can prepare you for open, high-demand jobs where you live.

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