Gateway to Success: How Mountain Gateway Community College Launched Breanna and Jordan’s Healthcare Careers

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As graduation approaches, high school students across the commonwealth are preparing for the next chapter of their lives. This milestone marks not only the culmination of their studies but also provides a sense of accomplishment. Along with these feelings may come a sense of uncertainty. The big question: “What’s next?” looms large for many students searching for upcoming opportunities.

For Breanna Phillips and Jordan Dingus, two high school students currently in the Advanced Healthcare program (AHA) at Mountain Gateway Community College (MGCC), this question has already been answered. As they complete high school and prepare for the next chapter, they’ve already given themselves a head start in their careers and have set up for long-term success.

“I feel very successful. It makes me feel good that I’m going and getting ahead of my career. I’m still in high school and I’m going to have three certifications before I graduate. I just think that’s great,” said Dingus.

A Life-Changing Program

With dual enrollment, Breanna and Jordan have been able to take college-level courses while still in high school, allowing them to gain valuable insight and skills in the healthcare field. The Advanced Healthcare program at MGCC has provided them with hands-on training and exciting, engaging real-world experience while preparing them for their future careers. “It’s fun learning new things, especially when it’s something we’ve never really been able to do before, something like suturing. It’s just a great experience,” said Dingus

Supportive Environment

Through this program, Breanna and Jordan have gained three certifications: Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy – all before even receiving their high school diploma. This accomplishment is a testament to the dedicated instructors at Mountain Empire, who have provided guidance, encouragement and motivation, helping these students reach their full potential. In addition to their certifications, Breanna and Jordan have developed foundational skills in patient care, medical procedures, and communication, transforming them into confident and well-rounded professionals.

“I was really worried that the program was going to be really hard and that it was going to be so much work, but it’s been pretty simple so far. It’s been a decent amount of work, but you can get through it,” said Phillips.

A Bright Future Ahead

As Breanna and Jordan prepare to graduate, they’re excited about the future and the possibilities that lie ahead. With their certifications and experience, they can go into this next part of their lives with confidence that they’ll make a positive impact in the healthcare industry.

“I’m thinking about working at the hospital, maybe being a medical assistant, and then going to college and seeing where that takes me,” said Phillips.

“I plan on staying at the job I have now. Even when I go to college when I come in for breaks or summer, I’ll still be able to work there and I plan on using my CNA throughout college,” said Dingus.

By providing accessible and affordable education, community college programs like the Advanced Healthcare program can help individuals from all different backgrounds find their dreams, reach their goals and launch into successful careers.