It’s a pretty straightforward notion: to advance in your career, you need more skills and certifications to justify the move up the career ladder.
There are many training programs within the FastForward programs at your local community college that are natural building blocks within a career. For example, in IT, you may decide to get your CompTIA A+ certification, but then you want to stack on CompTIA Network+ and CompTIA Security+ to be a more well-rounded hire. And carpentry, plumbing and electrical programs all have certifications at Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 that you can stack on top of each other to help you advance in the field.
Stacking training and earning multiple FastForward credentials demonstrates to employers your knowledge of a subject. It also shows employers that you are dedicated to your craft and willing to learn as much as you can about your field.
Need more benefits to stacking training? Here are three.
Training in bite-sized chunks
The benefit of FastForward training is that most courses are 6-12 weeks in length. That means you’re not committed to a year-long program in one swoop. You can enroll in one, focus on it, and then take those skills (and your industry certification) back to your job.
Stop and start around life’s demands
With the bite-sized nature of FastForward programs, you are able to take pauses in between trainings. If you take Plumbing Level 1, but you need a break before Level 2 to take care of your family or focus on work, you have that flexibility.
Build your toolkit over time
Networking can be a challenge, especially if it’s not the most comfortable environment for you to be in. By taking multiple bites at the proverbial career apple, you’re allowing yourself multiple chances to meet new instructors and peers, while building up your skill set and network over time instead of feeling the pressure to build it quickly.