With 15 years of career coaching experience, it’s safe to say that Lisha Wolfe knows what she’s talking about.
Wolfe is a FastForward Career Coach at Paul D. Camp Community College. She comes to work every day with a purpose: to help people figure out their career goals and find the ways to achieve those goals. Not only does she help students figure out the career field that’s best for them, she helps students with resume tips and interview techniques when it comes time to finding that dream career.
When asked why she’s a coach, Wolfe responds, “I like to help people accomplish something meaningful to them…Seeing the smile on their face when they get the job they were shooting for is priceless to me.”
Paul D. Camp Community College has three campuses, with the main location in Franklin, Va. The hometown feel of a smaller community college can be nice in many ways, but when it comes to finding a job, the competition can be tough. FastForward helps gives students an edge.
“We only have two or three large companies here,” said Wolfe. “It’s very hard to find a job if you don’t have the certifications required for the work. You can’t compete.”
Some of the more in-demand careers Wolfe sees in her area are in the medical and skilled-trade industries. And to ensure she’s helping students train for careers that are in-demand in her area, Wolfe regularly reaches out to businesses to see what they’re looking for in their workforce.
If you’re thinking about changing your career path or getting a fresh start in a new career field, Wolfe has a few questions you should ask yourself:
“Think about the career you’re interested in before you dive in. Is this something you want to do for the long run? Is this going to be a career you’ll be happy with? Because, this isn’t just about finding a new job – it’s about finding your future career.”