Study Tips to Boost Your Success in the Classroom

Student studying at home in their living room

Getting a workforce credential at your local community college is a valuable way to get a leg up in your current career – or start a new career altogether. Because the trainings take weeks, not years, to complete, buckling down and studying hard will help you pass with flying colors… and then remember all the valuable information you learned to bring back to the job.

Here are four study tips to help boost your success in the classroom.

Create a study plan.

Many of our students are balancing full-time jobs and families, making it harder to set aside time for studies. Having a study plan can provide your day with the structure it needs to make sure you get your work done for school while also making time for family and other priorities.

How much time do you have each day to spend working on school? Are weekends better? Should you consider early mornings or late nights when the house is quieter? Make a plan and stick to it, and consider rewarding yourself in some way each week you follow through with your plan.

Get to know your instructors.

Your instructors are industry professionals – masters of the field – and they are only there to help you succeed. Introduce yourself after your first class, and take advantage of any office hours they may offer. Ahead of exams or practicums, write any questions that come up during your studying and bring them to your instructor to ensure you have the answers you need.

Take good notes.

Your study materials are only as good as the notes you take. Whether with a pen and paper or on a computer, take notes during class to sum up key takeaways in your own words. Taking good notes will make your life easier when you need to reference something that was discussed in class or out in the field, and especially comes in handy for studying.

In addition, the more times you write something down, the better the information is recalled. Consider writing to be a part of your study routine. Give yourself a question, and then get a blank piece of paper to write down your answer, and compare against your notes to see how well you did.

Flash cards still work.

Make flash cards to drill yourself on topics, and bring them with you throughout the day to flip through if you come across unexpected down time. In addition, several sites now offer online flashcards if you prefer working on a screen.

If you start your credential program off right, with good habits, success will follow. Take your time to figure out what works best for you, which may take some trial and error, but then stick with it, and you’ll be done in no time.

Interested in learning more about the programs offered at your local community college? Find out what’s offered near you.