Three takeaways from the FastForward completer survey

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According to the Virginia Employment Commission, by 2026, there are expected to be 2.6M middle-skilled jobs in Virginia – jobs that require some training, but not a four-year degree.

There is a skills gap in Virginia’s workforce, and FastForward aims to bridge the gap.

Each year, Virginia’s Community Colleges puts out a survey soliciting feedback from students who completed training at their local community college with the help of FastForward. Here are some of this year’s takeaways:

FastForward students aren’t your average college students.

Our students are older, with the average age of 35. Three-fourths of them are new to

community college. Over 40% of FastForward students are minorities, and over 60% of them have dependents.

FastForward students are finding satisfaction in their careers post-training.

Following FastForward training, a majority of our students have full-time jobs with benefits and better work schedules. In fact, 83% of graduates have paid vacation, 81% have employer-paid medical insurance and 85% are satisfied with their job stability.

Said Brad Snead, a FastForward Power Line graduate, “To have somebody who already wants you, and to have a job lined up when you come out of here is really nice.”

FastForward training often leads to an increase in wages.

On average, students saw a $8,000 increase in wages after completing FastForward training at their local community college. The education industry saw the largest average jump in salary at an over $15,000 increase.

Interested in bringing these stats to life for you? Contact your local career coach.