Through the Re-Employing Virginians (REV) campaign, the Governor’s office is giving Virginia’s Community Colleges $27 million to help current and future students cover the costs of tuition and fees in fields that will lead to careers in their community.
We can help thousands of Virginians. Are you one of them?
- You are a Virginia resident.
- You received Virginia Unemployment benefits on or after August 1, 2020. Applicants don’t have to be newly-unemployed on/after August 1, benefits may have begun prior, -OR- you a lost full-time job due to COVID-19 and currently earn less than $15 per hour working part-time.
- You are interested in pursuing training or classes in a high-demand area: Healthcare, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Public Safety (like EMT), Skilled Trades.
Next steps
If you meet the requirements above, then you are on your way to getting an eligible FastForward training paid for. To take advantage of this one-time-only opportunity, follow these four steps.
- Use our contact form to connect with a FastForward Career Coach.
- Certify that you’re eligible to receive an REV voucher.
- Plan your courses with a navigator and determine your REV funding. For qualifying FastForward programs, you’ll receive up to $1,500 as a voucher applied to your student account.
- Enroll by the end of 2021.
This is a one-time funding effort to help Virginians recover from job loss and underemployment due to COVID-19. Take advantage of these dollars soon because funding expires this year. Connect with your local FastForward Career Coach and your community college to start the process.