What Virginians believe to be the most important thing they look for in a job could be summarized in one word: wages. Over a three-day period, FastForward pushed out three polls into the Twitter-sphere, targeting Virginians 25 and older who have indicated a previous interest in topics surrounding jobs, work and careers. Here’s what we uncovered. What employees look for in a job According to…
In August 2020, a well-organized and determined young woman contacted Your Eastern Shore Community College seeking information about RSVP Nurse Aide, a new grant-funded program at ESCC. The RSVP program covers funding for tuition, books, childcare, and a grant for completing the program. In addition to…
A FastForward education at your local community college prepares individuals for a career in an in-demand field right in their community. Programs to earn a credential or certification, many stackable, take just a few short weeks and run year-round. Whether you’re starting in the summer, fall,…
FastForward is a unique program that exists across all 23 of Virginia’s Community Colleges. In different geographical areas, different industries are more prominent. For example, the shipbuilding industry is big in the Hampton Roads area, but without a coastline, it is not as relevant of an…
Jo Lynn Kelley, or JJ as she likes to be called, is an over-the-road long haul trucker with a not-so-hidden talent that goes beyond her CDL credentials. JJ enrolled in a FastForward CDL training program at Eastern Shore Community College and graduated from the program in January 2020. By March, she…
When the local business community is thriving, chances are the trickle-down effect will be felt at every level of an organization and into the community itself. But when businesses are struggling to find skilled workers to hire, something must be done to bridge the gap. Community…
A quality education comes in many shapes and sizes. For some, that means living on campus at a four-year school and for others, it’s attending their local community college. Peyton Stallard happened to do both, securing a new job after earning a second education at Mountain…
There are a few industries in Virginia that not even a pandemic could impact. In fact, the pandemic may have even increased the need for skilled, trained workers. While four-year institutions address a spectrum of career fields, community colleges tends to have a more concentrated focus:…
Many of our FastForward programs work closely with local companies, organizations and nonprofits throughout Virginia to ensure students who complete their credentials can quickly enter the workforce. However, Highground Services in Franklin, Va. does the hiring first through its apprenticeship program, which provides a combination of…
After a long year of pivots, virtual learning and extra precautions, things are slowly and cautiously starting to return to normal, or at least a new normal. The same goes for FastForward’s workforce training at community colleges across Virginia. We chatted with some of our career…