Smiling Forward: How Virginia’s Community Colleges Are Shaping the Future of Dental Care

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Virginia’s dental workforce employs over 52,000 people throughout the state with many employees receiving education through a local community college.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic caused departures from the workforce and exacerbated pre-existing challenges leading to employee shortages. These shortages resulted in dental offices struggling to provide adequate care, with a third of dentists unable to see a full patient load due to staffing limitations.

For Paul Logan, director of strategic initiatives with the Virginia Dental Association, staffing shortages highlight a critical need for partnerships and new solutions to make sure patients are receiving the care they deserve.

Virginia Community Colleges serve as one of those solutions, providing a pipeline of well-trained, new talent to address workforce needs in Virginia.

“No dentist wants to turn away patients, and right now, that’s exactly what’s happening,” said Logan. “When you have a workforce that can meet that need, that has an impact. It means kids can smile, can chew properly, can eat without pain, and I think everyone deserves that dignity.”

Community College is the Key

By partnering with Virginia’s Community Colleges, the dental industry is providing students with in-demand skills and increased access to hands-on experience, preparing the next generation of dental professionals. Logan praises the community college system’s willingness to innovate and collaborate.

“There’s an openness and willingness to try new things, to explore new potential partnerships, and just an overall willingness to find something that works,” Logan said. “I think you rarely hear the word ‘no’ when talking to community college representatives. Instead, it’s ‘let’s talk and explore this’ – that’s exactly what we need to address our workforce challenges. Community colleges are better situated to adjust and be responsive to industry needs.”

The Future of Dentistry

With a focus on hands-on training, industry partnerships and student success, community colleges are shaping the next generation of dental professionals and offering new opportunities to those willing to seek them.

“Dentistry is a career path that allows you to have a lot of different ways to practice,” Logan said. “There are various settings, from education to the military, where you can apply this experience. Students graduating from community college programs have choices – that’s what makes dentistry so appealing. Community colleges play a critical role in providing the workforce needed to ensure everyone has access to dental care.”

By investing in community colleges and their dental programs, Virginia is not only investing in its workforce but also the health and well-being of its residents.