
Posts By Author: Casey Prentice

Finding Work After a Layoff

For 14 years, Greg Seals spent his days in the coal mines. He worked hard, day in and day out, to support his wife and four children. But when Blackjewel, a coal mining company with operations around the country, filed for bankruptcy and ultimately laid off…

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Industry Spotlight: Information Technology (IT)

Are you an analytic thinker who likes solving problems and troubleshooting hardware or network issues? Do you speak techie? But then are you able to pivot and speak non-techie to technologically-challenged parents? If any of these questions resonate with you, the IT industry may be a…

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Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Future

Up until a few years ago, Allen Miller’s only experience with asphalt was driving and shooting hoops on it. He didn’t think about the process behind combining a semi-solid form of petroleum with aggregate particles through a highly controlled mixing process. He didn’t pay attention to…

Step One: Get Yourself Organized

Going through workforce training doesn’t have to be complicated. A little planning and organization can go a long way. Before you reach out to your local FastForward Career Coach, here are three things you can do to make things run as smoothly as possible. Do some…

Industry Spotlight: Healthcare

If you have a passion for helping others, a knack for biology, enjoy working with your hands and want to have a job where you are making a difference in people’s lives, the healthcare industry might be for you, and timing couldn’t be better. Healthcare is…

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Industry Spotlight: Welding and Manufacturing

When we say that welding and manufacturing is the foundation, or the backbone to our daily lives, we mean that both literally and figuratively. Almost everything we interact with in our daily lives has at one point met the hands of a welder or manufacturer. From…

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