
FastForward Blog: Career Coach Advice

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Career Fairs for FastForward Students

A FastForward credential from your local community college is an easy way to become a more competitive job applicant. FastForward programs are short-term workforce trainings, so you can be in and out in weeks – trained and ready to jump right into the job search process….

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Tips on balancing life and a FastForward education

FastForward programs are designed to be flexible so that students can work and take courses at the same time while balancing family and personal life.  A 2020 survey found that FastForward graduates not only saw an average increase of $8,000 in wages, but also reported having a better overall work-life balance.  We recently conducted our…

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What’s new at Virginia’s Community Colleges?

After a long year of pivots, virtual learning and extra precautions, things are slowly and cautiously starting to return to normal, or at least a new normal. The same goes for FastForward’s workforce training at community colleges across Virginia. We chatted with some of our career…

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Are you making any of these job hunting mistakes?

Virginia’s unemployment rate may be getting better, but for individuals in hourly jobs looking for full time work or people looking for a better career, applying for jobs and interviewing are an everyday occurrence. If you find yourself going through the motions but not landing that new job, make sure you’re not doing one of these job-hunting mistakes. …

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