
FastForward Blog

The latest from FastForward

Working 24/7 to Pursue Career Ambitions

When people are at their worst, Brittany is there to help see them through. Prior to enrolling in FastForward, Brittany was stationed at one of Sentara’s ER registration desks. She already earned a phlebotomy credential and a medical billing and coding credential through Paul D. Camp…

A New Career is More Than Just a Pay Raise

For Michelle, what started as a curiosity has now led to her making double what she made before and she’s earning high praise from her manager. Michelle had been working in home healthcare, making only $8 an hour, before deciding to enroll in pharmacy technician training…

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Graduating into a New Career

Farley graduated high school uncertain of her future career trajectory. She always had an interest in the medical field and made the decision to enlist in the military to serve as a medical specialist in the U.S. Army stationed in Germany. Upon the completion of her…

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Phlebotomy Training Opens Doors For Single Mother

Keisha is proof of what can be accomplished through hard work and sheer determination. The Culpeper resident overcame homelessness while raising a young child to attain two health care certifications and start a fulfilling career as a certified phlebotomist/nurse assistant. In her position, Smith now has…

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Manufacturing a Dream Career

Jamaul attributes much of his drive for self-improvement to supporting his family and serving as a positive role model for his two children. After out of high school, Taylor worked for retail and customer service positions as a third-party contractor, but he didn’t find a field…